A view down 8th Street from a parade float. Crowds line both sides of the street.

Parade updates

Wondering about the updates to the parade route? Read more about it here.

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Dutch Dance participation

Dutch Dance offers a unique & time-hon­ored way to be a part of Tulip Time! Click the but­tons below to get details about each program. 

This year we cel­e­brate the 90th year of Dutch Dance. Help us cel­e­brate by join­ing the dance!

Tulip Immer­sion Garden

The most Instra­gram­ma­ble, Tik­Tok-friend­ly tulip spot in Hol­land. Over 65,000 tulips in raised beds cre­ate absolute­ly stun­ning pho­tos to share. The dis­plays are set up to tell the his­to­ry of the tulip through amaz­ing artistry by Ibo Gülsen.

VIP Tours

The ulti­mate way to expe­ri­ence the fes­ti­val. Get a per­son­al tour of the Immer­sion Gar­den, the city, and a curat­ed lunch from Bow­er­man’s Blueberries.

Rod­ney Atkins

Fri­day, May 9. Rod­ney Atkins is as authen­tic as they come. Atkins express­es a refresh­ing sim­plic­i­ty and sin­cer­i­ty that reflects the val­ues he holds so dear: Putting fam­i­ly first, mak­ing the most of what you have, and stay­ing true to your­self in a rapid­ly-­chang­ing world. 

Fused Glass Workshop

Lim­it­ed seats avail­able! In this hands-on class, you’ll design and cre­ate a unique fused glass tulip plant stake. Per­fect for com­mem­o­rat­ing your fes­ti­val experience.

A view down 8th Street from a parade float. Crowds line both sides of the street.

Get involved

An Amaz­ing fes­ti­val takes amaz­ing peo­ple to be a part of the events. Click the links below to learn more about ways YOU can get involved with Tulip Time!






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